by Jack Lapauve Jr – EM TV, Port Moresby
Sign language will be the next official language in Papua New Guinea.
Yesterday, Minister for Religion, Youth and Community Development, Delilah Gore, announced this.
Sign Language brings the total number of official languages of the PNG to four (Sign, Tok Pisin, English and Hiri Motu).
Gore says it will now be an official language as the National Executive Council has endorsed it in a decision. Minister Gore said as a directive from the National Executive Council, government agencies will be tasked to use sign language in all its programs.
This will see its implementation in all government departments including public information.
It may seem hard to understand, but the government through NEC wants this as the fourth national language in the country.”
The Department of Religion, Youth and Community Development will spearhead the project through workshops and other mediums to formalise this language.
Media personal will also be given special induction courses through workshops to understand and use the language, as an important element in the dissemination of information.