
Siassi Cocoa Farmers Lose Hope

Amongthe rural areas in Papua New Guinea Berik village on Siassi Island inthe Morobe province is remote and isolated.

Most ofthe government infrastructures onthe island have crumbled. It reflects more than twenty years of government neglect.

The major cash crop found onthe island is cocoa. Many villages see this as a primary source of income to improvertheir living standards.

Each farmers can produced up to 6tonnes of cocoa beatns on its harvest with an annual income value of about three million kina.

To transfer cocoa bags from this part of Morobe to Lae, it takes days even weeks by boat through rough seas. Upon arriving in Lae,the farmers have to search for markets to selltheir cocoa bags.

Many ofthe farmers believethe incomethey get fromthe sale oftheir cocoa will also help in maintaining those rundown government infrastructures.

As a result overthe years,the combination of a lack of a proper market andthe remoteness ofthe village, many ofthe farmers have now given up hope of producing cocoa beatns for the market.

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