
Police: New Year’s Eve Operations


By Theckla Gunga – EM TV, Port Moresby

The New Year Police Operations in Port Moresby saw at least five traffic accidents reported, 300 cartons of illegal alcohol confiscated, and the assault of a police officer.  

As of 12 mid-day, there were no reports of any killings, robberies or car theft.

Police say the year 2015 was welcomed in a quiet and peaceful way.

The New Years Eve operations commenced at 6pm with community awareness, following road blocks at different parts of the city. 

At 8pm, an estimated 20 cartons of alcohol was confiscated by police from a Chinese Liquor Shop just opposite the Boroko Station.

Officers involved in this operation said alcohols was removed because they were illegal, but minutes later, shop owners fronted up at the station claiming they were not well informed about the liquor ban.

A number of raids were also conducted mostly in settlement areas like Morata, Eight Mile and Erima.

The biggest was in East Boroko Settlement opposite the St Joseph International School. Here at least 30 cartons of what police claimed as illegal alcohol were removed and residents forced into their premises.

Officers did thorough searches on people walking along the streets and checked all vehicles at designated check points.   

However, while police are enforcing the imposed ban on the sale of alcohol in residential areas, NCD residents have expressed disappointments on how some police personnel have conducted last night’s police operations.

They claim police have taken advantage of the festive operations and have gone as far as physically assaulting innocent residents.  

But police believe the alcohol ban has minimized road crimes and accidents this festive season.

The police operations ended at 6 a.m on the first day of the year.

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