NCD Metropolitan Superintendent Perou N’Dranou has called on Port Authorities to work together with police to deter and mitigate local drug trafficking activities.
This comes after NCD police stumbled across a local drug trafficking network and recovered a large stock of marijuana on September 25.

On Sept 25, Members of the Fox Unit 202 stopped a cab near the Port Moresby wharf and were about to conduct routine police checks when one of the two passengers in the cab escaped by fleeing into the bushes.
The policemen searched the cab and recovered a sizable amount of marijuana wrapped and hidden among some ripe pineapples.
They arrested the driver and one other occupant before commandeering the cab back to the wharf.
The policemen consulted security personnel and were given access to the storage area where the bulk of the contraband was recovered.
Metropolitan Superintendent Perou N’Dranou made reference to a bust earlier this year where a huge quantity of marijuana concealed in 230 bags of kaukau originating from the Highlands were recovered in a similar bust at the Port Moresby wharf.
*Photos coutersy of NCD/Central Divisional Command FB Page.