Work stoppage onthe multi-million kina Convention Centre at Waigani in Port Moresby continues after four and a half months, following an attack on Chinese workers by thieves.
To date, no notification has been given as to when work will continue.
The project is being undertaken for the 2018 Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation meeting to be held in Port Moresby.
The once busy construction site now sits idle, aPNG prepares to host several important international events in.
The most significant one isthe 2018 Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation Meeting, which this multi-million kina project is being built to accommodatethe event.
Recently, Enga Governor Peter Ipatas was all praise for the Ou2019Neill government for illustrating strong lLeadersip, which resulted in some ofthe most powerful nations inthe world supportin PNGu2019s bid to hostthe quadrennial event in Port Moresby.
Governor Ipatas also urged citizens to prepare for this event as it brings with it many development opportunities for the country and many partnerships that could increasPNGu2019s investment potential.
However, a visit tothe site today showedthe work situation remainsthe same from when EMTV first visited in August.u00a0 Equipment lay unused inthe open andthe grass has grown a little taller, indicating lack of activity.
Counselor Zhang Liyong fromthe Chinese Embassy assuredthe government thatthey will completethe 70 million kina project.
Today, workers onthe site saidthe police have recovered some ofthe stolen property and a handful ofthe attackers have been caught and arrested, but work has yet to continue.
The project began last year. It is by far, Chinau2019s single largest project in PNG to date.