Business News

Illegal Harvest of Valuable PNG Massoia Tree Bark

An academic at the University of Papua New Guinea has revealed a new trend of Asian operations in the country with the poaching of Massoia tree bark.

Professor, Topul Rali, a chemist by profession revealed that Asians are illegally harvesting and exporting Massoia tree bark valuing in millions of kina since 2010.


Professor Rali is calling for immediate stop on the harvesting and exporting before the massoia species is depleted as PNG can earn millions if processed and down – streamed locally.


In PNG, the species is common in Western, Northern and Central Province.


However Professor Rali has witnessed and seen massoia trees being fell and bought for cheap prices in the Kubuna, Baikodu and Mekeo areas of Central Province to Chinese exporters.


He added that UPNG has been developing ways to utilize research programs into producing products from the species and the actions by the Asians have thrown all hopes into chaos and total jeopardy.


Professor Topul says, if authorities like PNG Forest Authority do not take action, the K2 million funding received from the Government to boost research and innovation for massoia will be a waste.

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