Cricket PNG’s Disability program for 2014 has begun with an indication into how to communicate with People Living with Disability (PLWD).
The program comes under ‘Kriket Blo Olgeta’ designed and run by the Cricket PNG.
The program aims at, providing easy access to all, acknowledge PLWD a significant proportion of the population and establishing relationships with various Non- Government Organization.
The Kriket Blo Olgeta program also aims to target Women’s cricket, Multi- Cultural cricket, Village cricket and Traditional cricket.
Cricket PNG invited Non- Government Organizations (NGOs) such as Cheshire Disability Service, Callan Disable Persons Service, Red Cross Special Resource Centre and St John Blind Services to conduct training and also raise awareness of communicable processes and code of ethics and conduct when dealing with people with disabilities.
The first week of induction training was completed and will go into second week with more practical approach.
The formal launching of the Disability Cricket Program is to take place on the 29th of March, 2014 which also coincides with the National Disability Day.