Despitethe scaling down of operations atthe Cloudy Bey Sustainable Forestry Limited inthe Abau electorate Central Province, major infrastructure developments have changed people’s lives.
Villages inthe Forest Management Areas and outsidethe perimeter are enjoyingthe benefits of newly built schools, churches and community halls.
The logging activities of Cloudy Bey Sustainable Forestry have paved way for the locals who have seen minimum government’services for the past five years.
The logging has connected most inland villages through roads and even isolated islands.
Bem Primary School is a school situated insidethe FMA zone that has seen major infrastructure of classrooms and teacher’s houses.
“The school has improverd a lot throughthe work of Cloudy Bey Company andthe effort it has put in,” said Rosemary Leleva, Teacher.
Leleva said developments have raised interest for children in villages to attend school and be educated.
Chairman of Bem Primary School Kennedy Purusa stressed thatthe delivery of such initiative bythe company has transformed lives of people.
However,there is demand for more teachers to be posted tothe school because of increase enrollment and availability of teacher’s accommodation.
ther infrastructures include churches and community halls.
Caption: Bem Primary School student in class.