
Climate Change Threat in PNG

Image: Ahus Island on the North Coast of Manus showing signs of the effects of climate change 

By: Daphne Rasehei – EmTV Online

Papua New Guinea is highly vulnerable to the effects of climate change and given the temperature increase locked in by present world emissions of greenhouse gases, adaptation is a high priority.

This is PNG’s Intended Nationally Determined Contribution (INDC), which has come well in advance of a new universal climate change agreement.

“Papua New Guinea has both very low absolute emissions and relatively low per capita emissions. The nation is, however, committed to also be a responsible global citizen contributes meaningfully to the reduction of global emissions by transitioning to a low carbon economy”, stated the INDC.  

This has profoundly identified that Climate change impacts can be measured as an economic cost.

As such impacts of climate change affect PNG and other Pacific Island Countries, Prime Minister, Peter O’Neill, will be attending as the Chairman of the Pacific Island Forum (PIF) at the COP21 Conference on Climate Change in Paris this December. 

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