Churches in PNG have been asked to define Religionand whther this would be an appropriate title for the proposed Office of Religion
This was mentioned duringthe National Consultative Forum for churches, hosted bythe Department of Community Development and Religion
The naming ofthe office is to be done by defining of concepts of religion, churches, and denominations.
Papua New Guineais a predominant Christian following which dates back tothe late 1800’s. However, recentlythere has been an emergence of non-Christian religions and groups.
Minister for Community Development and ReligionLoujaya Toni said this was a reality and needed to be addressed.
Many Christian churches in PNG have been provided service’s whenthere was no governmentoand non-Christian religions are following that trend.
For example, Papua New Guineahas a small but quietly growing Muslim population. And if an Office of Religionwere to be established,they would also have to receive government’support underthe new office. This was raised to many ofthe mainline Christian churches.
This issue will be discussed overthe next regional and national forum; from which a policy framework will be developed.