By Jack Lapauve – EMTV News, Port Moresby
Almost a week after Tari Pori MP James Marape resigned as the Finance Minister, Cabinet has made a slight reshuffle. This morning, Bulolo MP Sam Basil was sworn –in by Governor General Sir Bob Dadae as the new Finance Minister, while Markham MP Koni Iguan replaces Basil as the Communication Minister.

Government House was flooded by State Ministers, Prime Minister Peter O’Neill and other coalition partners of the ruling PNC led Government.
Speaking after the swearing ceremony, leader of Peoples National Congress and Prime Minister Peter O’Neill said the elevation of Basil and Iguan is a show of solidarity between coalition partners of PNC.
PM O’Neill said Basil and Iguan are not new to politics and have credibility in the respective ministries. “We are confident Basil and Iguan will perform to expectations following the reshuffle,” the Prime Minister said.

He said no more reshuffle is expected, as the next Parliament sessions nears in May.
Prime Minister Peter O’Neill stated that Government is stable despite Opposition claiming that more members will cross the floor to the Opposition and also announced that Forest Minister Douglas Tomuriesa will now be the new Leader of Government Business.