by Marie Kauna – EMTV Online, Port Moresby
PeaceTech, a Philippine-based NGO targeting schools in regions that experience cultural conflicts, in partnership with the Department of Education, are working together in a videoconference program to help students and youth who have division conflicts.
The program is aimed to foster understanding and tolerance among youth that are exposed to conflicts in different parts of the country and are separated by distance, different cultures, religion and even wars.
Currently two schools in the country are using the video program in their history and values classes to watch and learn good manners and habits that can help to break the barriers that lead to divisions amongst youth. Despite challenges faced with adapting, the program has shown improvement in the children’s behaviours.
Luzyiminda Dela Cruz, a Manila teacher, says “although adapting to the program has been hard work, it’s worth it”.
Manager of the classroom videoconference program at PeaceTech, Dana de Guzman, says more young people could benefit from the program.
The Department of Education after seeing positive feedbacks, has given PeaceTech the green light to expand its videoconference program.