Momase News

Morobe Provincial Education Division Partners with Indonesia

By Julie Badui Owa – EMTV News, Lae

The Morobe Provincial Education Division has partnered with the Republic of Indonesia to help develop human resource in the province.

The Education and Culture Attache from the Indonesian Embassy, Achmad Tavip Syah, arrived in Lae on Thursday (17th May) and met with the education officers today. An MoU will be signed at a later date; it will cover scholarship, teacher education and partnership with technical and vocational institutions. The recipients of this partnership program between the PNG and Indonesian Government will be Technical, Vocational Education Training or TVET schools in Morobe and Lae Secondary School.

TVET provides students with practical skills and knowledge needed in formal and informal sectors.

Morobe’s Provincial Program Advisor for Education, Keith Jiram, says there is not much prominence given to strengthen TVET in the country.

The officers of Morobe Education Division, Provincial Program Advisors and the Education and Culture Attache from Indonesian Embassy, met yesterday at the Lae International Hotel to officially welcome the partnership program. This meeting was endorsed by the Provincial Education Board last month and will be followed by an MoU, which will cover teacher attachment and TVET scholarship programs.

Jiram has called on the Morobe Provincial Government and the nine district authorities to assist the program.

Lae Secondary School will be the first institution to pilot a Bahasah club project. This will help interested students to learn Bahasa. It will be coordinated by Fred Ogio, an ICT teacher who took up studies in Indonesia for four years.

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