
Lae Celebrates World Water Day

During celebrations of the World Water Day in Lae today, some residents raised their concerns of not having access to clean drinking water, and sanitation facilities.

Service provider Water PNG says they have a master plan to solve most of Lae’s water, and sewage problems.


Some of the tasks included in the master plan, are currently being undertaken, to improve and enhance the delivery and supply of clean healthy water, for the people.


Water and sanitation are still major problems faced by many people in Lae city, especially those in suburbs and places on the outskirts of the city.


Clean water is scarce in some suburbs, while others experience low pressure water problems.


World Water Day, which was observed today, highlighted the importance of water, and how it transforms energy.


With Lae city experiencing a business and economic boom, the population of the city is also increasing and the need for adequate clean water supply is also going to be increased.


That is the challenge now on Water PNG, to provide clean water supply to homes, and also provide adequate mass supplies to factories and industries in the city.


Sewage and sanitation are also major problems, which are faced by residents, especially in the Eriku area.


Several issues were posted on social network Facebook, calling on authorities to address sewerage problems in the area.


However, Water PNG says they are working around the clock, to rectify water and sanitation problems.

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