
Works Department To Revive Its Responsibilities

The National Works Department will regain its responsibility of road construction in Papua New Guinea by reviving the demised works department.

This follows costly exercise by the government in hiring privately owned contractors to build roads.


Much of the support has come from the Japanese Government to revive the works department.


During the launching of one of the pilot road projects in Lae yesterday, the works department announced that it will go rural, to build new roads and rehabilitate the old ones they built more than twenty years ago.


Over the last twenty years, the road systems in Papua New Guinea were deteriorated as the works department, the government’s arm dedicated to building and maintaining roads, was disintegrated following a government reform.


Staff numbers were reduced and its plant and transport division came to a halt. But after a slow realization from the government, it has made a wrong decision to disintegrate the department.


The government has now put efforts to revive the works department. These new machines are the vital part of revitalization of the works department.


Much of the assistance came from the Japanese Government. Privately owned construction companies did much of the roadwork and the upgrade over the years while the works department did the supervisions.


The exercise was an expensive one for the national government as more money was spent on road maintenance with outcomes, which were relatively unsatisfactory.


The works department will now take back its responsibilities of building new roads, and of maintaining those they build themselves, more than twenty years ago.

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