
WHP celebrates opening of New High School

Western Highlands Province celebratedthe opening of a new high school for its children.

Kwip High School was officially opened on Friday bythe parliamentary member for Mul Beyier Koi Trape.

Hundreds gthered to withnessthe opening ofthe newly built Kwip High School inthe Mul Beiyer district ofthe Western Highlands Province. Many lLeadersofthe region attendedthe ceremony includingthe member for Dei,the member for Anglip South Waghi and Western Highlands Governor Paias Wingti.

Local member Koi Trape toldthe crowd thatthe delivery of basic services like education, come as a result of good lLeadersip. He also declaredthe new high school as a senior high school.

Western Highland’s governor Paias Wingti encouraged locals to changetheir attitudes and take ownership of government’services provided for them. He said good things came from a good leader who has a heart for the people.

Kwip Dau High School was built in 2006 by governor Wingti; however, it remained incomplete for seven years when Wingti was ousted inthe 2007 national elections.

The first intakes of four hundred grade nine students’have enrolled atthe school this year where it caters for both day and boarding students’ It will see its first batch of grade ten students’next year.

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