
What Role Should Private Sector Play in Implementing SDG’s in PNG?

by Marie Kauna – EMTV Online, Port Moresby

As part of a two day awareness workshop on 2030 Agenda and Sustainable Development Goal exercise, gathered participants including the private sector and civil society, were given the question; ‘Based on the Millennium Development Goals, how can the private sector best support the implementation of the 2030 Agenda and Sustainable Development Goal?’

Participants were grouped into five, and each presented their summary of discussion.

Below are some of the presentations highlighted by the different group presentations.

Group 1: A specific organisation where Data collected can be stored, archived and used

  1. Civil society groups to conduct meetings and conferences to allocate individual roles and responsibilities. Monitor progress
  2. Effective Reporting system
  3. One organisation responsible for Data ALONE

Group 2:

  1. Identify civil society and private sector and create awareness initiatives using appropriate communication mediums and channels
  2. Each private sector should at least be engaged to one goals from the seventeen, focus, plan and address this goal in their operations
  3. Implementation and distribution is a problem therefore, outsource to make implementation, engagement and delivering possible through partnership via cost effective measures

Group 3:

  1. Partnership is very important – more clarity in all levels

Group 4:

  1. Consultation and Coordination
  2. Effective monitoring evaluation and reporting structure | Data collection – data integrity
  3. SDG’s should be contextualised according to Papua New Guinea’s developmental needs – areas of priority

Group 5:

  1. Business as a people, for the people
  2. Connectivity and collaboration
  3. People connectivity – building people

The discussion has brought to table many areas of focus to improve and work on, to support the implementation of SDGs in Papua New Guinea. It was a learning exercise for the participants as each group shared ideas and recommendations.

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