
Website for War Memories Launched

By Jack Lapauve Jr – EMTV News, Port Moresby

A new website has been launched to preserve the memories and stories of Papua New Guineans during World War II.

‘Voices from the War’ is an oral history collection of interviews with men and women from six provinces in Papua New Guinea about their own, or their relatives’, experiences of the war.

The oral history project and website was developed by Deakin University in collaboration with Papua New Guinea’s National Museum and Art Gallery (NMAG). There are 156 interviews in total representing different aspects of the war’s impact on Papua New Guinea and its people. The interviews were conducted in Milne Bay, Morobe, Central, New Ireland, Northern and the National Capital District.

Many of the stories are moving reflections on Papua New Guinea’s experience of the war, with contributions from people who either lived through the war era, or children and grandchildren relating stories handed down to them.

Dr Jonathan Ritchie, lead researcher and historian from Deakin University, said the stories bring to light the forgotten voices of many Papua New Guineans from this significant period in the nation’s history. The website was launched on International Museum Day recently.

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