
Violence Against Women Nationwide Haus Krai

TheWomen AriseMoverment is planning a nationwide stop work demonstration to callthe government to action onthe issue of violence against women.


It will be held onthe evening of 14th of May right through tothe 15th and will be known asthe Nationwide Haus Krai Day


All men and women aroundthe country have been urged to come out and support this day.

Forthe past 8 weeksWomen ArisePNG has been leading a moverment to call for more action to end violence against women.

Bet asthe support for the moverment grew so werethe killings and rapes of innocent women and girls.

This afternoon stakeholders led by women arisPNG decided on a Nationwide Haus Krai.

A day dedicated to calling for more government action onthe issue and to remember those women who have suffered or have losttheir lives to violence of all forms.

Coordinator Ether Igo called for a Nationwide Stop Work Demonstration from all women, girls and men aroundthe country onthe evening of 14th of May right through tothe 15th to honor this day.

“What really saddens us is thatthe government,the Prime Minister andthe three women that we've got in Parliament have not come up and condemned publiclythe actions of what&#39’s happening inthe country currently…the perpetrators are not being taken in and being charged… because of that background we feel unsafe, we feel very unsafe in our own country”, Ms. Igo explained. “…we want to calllthe government to action… we are calling all Papua New Guineas to rise withthe women of Papua New Guineafor a nationwide stop work demonstration.”

An appropriate action on this issue is needed says founder forPNG against Domestic Violence Lydia Kailap.

She saysthe Justice System servesthe interests ofthe wealthy and notthe poor majority.

“National Haus Krai is very appropriate, because we do mournthe loss of all of those women whose live have unnessarily been taken, and who've left this world andthere has been no recognition thattheir life was worth something,there has been no recognition ofthe injustice that was perpetrated againstthem…” – Lydia KailapPNG Against Domestic Violence, Founder

The issue of violence against women have being in existence sincethe 1980’s andthe government to date have not taken any decisive action.

“Allthese governments to date have failedthe women of Papua New Guinea They really have.” – Josepha Kiris, Technical Advisor

So willthe nation watch as our women come and go without a whisper or will we all rise up and say enough is enough.

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