Momase News

Usino embraces development after 40 years

In this modern age a community will prosper when there is access to proper roads, bridges and other infrastructural services.

More than 40 years after the discovery of the very large nickel deposit in the Kurumbukari (KBK) plateau, rural communities in KBK and along the Usino plane are beginning to embrace their first opportunities for economic activity and business development.

The prospects for more economic activities will be further enhanced by the newly constructed Usino-Yamagi Road under the Chinese Government aid program.

Before Ramu NiCo set its foot in the once isolated KBK and built the Ramu NiCo bridge, communities were used to making days walk along bush tracks and crossing many streams, before reaching the administrative and social resources in Madang town.

Now the people of Usino-Bundi who are using the new road from Usino-Junction to Yamagi and further up to Ramu NiCo’s KBK Mine site and other villages on the plateau thanks to the Chinese Government.

Man in charge of the construction, Mr Yang Bing said the construction work commenced in October 2011 and is expected to be completed by the end of this year.

The contractor engages qualified Chinese engineers and contractors, who have vast experience in constructing major roads and infrastructures in China.

More than 100 locals are very supportive and are also engaged in both semi-skilled and skilled jobs.

Six strong bridges have been built along this 16 km stretch of road. They were designed and constructed to withstand the earthquake and other natural phenomenon experienced in the area.

The road project is fully funded by the Chinese Government through grant aid assistance at the cost of K22 million. It was launched at Usino Station on November 10, 2011 by Chinese Ambassador to PNG, His Excellency Mr. Qiu Bohua.

Photo caption: Local boys from Usino Big Ples give thumps up for the new Samson Creek built with the road.

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