Featured Highlands News

Threats to shut down LNG in Hela over IDG

Landowners in the affected PNG LNG Project of Hela have announced threats to shut down the project.

They say this will be the option and last resort if the State fails to address and pay outstanding Infrastructure Development Grants for Hela. “We have no option but we will make attempts to stop operations by the PNG LNG developer until the State release our IDG’s,” said Malcolm Paijako of PDL1.

“The State has neglected us and bypassed resource owners”, added Paijako.

The landowners also highlighted that under the UBSA and LBSA agreement signed in Kokopo in 2009, Hela Provincial Government was not a signatory. However, IDG’s were paid to the Provincial purse. They do not prefer for the next and last batch of payment to the Provincial Government.

“The Provincial Government has misused past IDG’s and for what projects we do not know”, said Andy Hamaga who represents the Hides PDL 7 area. “The State must not release this last batch of payment to the Hela Provincial Government,” said Hamaga.

A 14-day petition is now before the State including Office of the Prime Minister and Government Departments stating their reasons and perseverance to access these grants for service delivery.

The landowners are also insisting on a separate report from the State regarding past IDG payments to whom and for what impact project.

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