
Studies Show No Decline in PNG Poverty

PNG’s third world status, as well asthe country’s poverty rate, has been an issue that’s frequently been put underthe spotlight.


The margin betweenthe elit’s andthe average income earner is fairly noticeable; however, studies now show just how noticeable.

A public seminar hosted bytheInstitute of National Affairs, in Port Moresby featured economist and professor atthe University of Waikato, John Gibson.


Mr Gibson discussedthe subject ofthe apparent poverty trends in PNG and especiallythe NCD, overthe past two decades.


The seminar, held atthe IPA house in Konedobu, was attended by officers fromthe public and private sectors, includingthe National Statistical Office andthe Asian Development Bank.


Focusing on poverty trends inthe country duringthe last two decades, Professor John Gibson deliberated over household surveys taken from government bodies such asthe NSO betweenthe years of 1996 and 2009/2010.


His research showedthere has been no evidence of decline in poverty, mentioning thatthe poverty line did not change, rtherthe proportion of people did.


Withthe economy described as ‘strong’, andthe obvious boom inthe resource sector, why do studies show no decline in poverty aroundthe country?


One has only to step out ontothe streets of Port Moresby to with’span style=color:#696969;>nessthe hard hitting fact that poverty has never really gone away.


The fact remains that regardless of current or projected booms in any sectors, studies show thaPNG is relatively poor compared to our neighbours, Australia and New Zealand.

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