By Adelaide Sirox Kari – EMTV News, Port Moresby
16 students from two secondary schools in Port Moresby were arrested and charged for possession of homebrew yesterday.
14 female students from Gordon’s Secondary School and two male students from Tokarara Secondary were held in police custody at the Boroko Police Station.
The students were a part of a larger group consuming homebrew and other alcoholic products. Arresting officer, First Constable Jereicke Mokmane, said some of the male students from Tokarara Secondary had escaped while the 14 female students from Gordon’s Secondary were captured at East Boroko.
The students who were in their school uniforms were then paraded all the way to Boroko Police Juvenile Centre where they were questioned and charged.
Senior Constable Rau Kobale said some of the students were reluctant to give their parents’ contact details, while those who gave their parents’ details will see them contacted.
“At the moment students are reluctant to hand over parents details. We appeal to any parent who has a daughter or son in Grade 11 or 12 at the particular secondaries to go to Boroko Police Juvenile office to identify their child and bail them,” Kobale said.
Bail was set at K300 per student.
This is not the first time students from Tokarara and Gordon’s have been implicated in gatherings that involved the consumption of homebrew and other illegal activities.