
Student Teachers Training in EQUIT Vital

Children’s learning outcomes and teachers’ teaching performances have been nationally criticized and described to be of low quality.


This has ledthe Department of Education, as well as various provincial governments to explore ways of improving national education standards.

As a result,the Department of Education, in co-operation withthe JapanInternational Corporation Agency or JICA, has opted to assist through media, in particular, through Television.


The 2-days EQUIT Pre-Service National Seminar started yesterday in Port Moresby. Attending are administrators and lecturers of Primary TeachersColleagues, and those responsible for academic programs.


Several provincial governments includingthe Autonomous Region of Bougainville, East Sepik, NCD, Western Highlands, Central, East & West New Beitain, and Manus are driving for the use of EQUIT program intheir schools as a means of improving standard and quality of teaching and student learning.


To achieve optimum benefits out ofthe use of media,the Department of Education is looking tothe teacher education program asthe best way to implementthe program.


The standard of Mthematics and Science in upper primary has been a national concern. Currentlythe EQUIT lessons broadcast through EMTV is addressingthe issue.


It’s believed that student teachers training in EQUIT will equipthem to be innovative throughthe use of media, instead of clinging tothe traditional “chalk & talk” method.


Withthe technological resources and expertise from JICA,the seminar is educating teacher education institutions ofthe Education Departments agenda to improver teaching and learning through Television.


Studies in media education in PNG have shownthere is remarkable progress in students’rsquo; performances in Mthematics and Science in Receiving Schools, through media education, especially, TV.


Discussions atthe Seminar are focused on looking atthe best possible ways to incorporatethe EQUIT Program intothe teacher education and training courses.

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