
Sport Scene Episode – 7, 2014

In this episode:


Coming up we have the Karate do in action at the south pacific motor club

We have more on swimming as our PNG swimmers embark on a non-stope journey as they prepare themselves for all their upcoming events plus the 2015 Pacific Games.



We also have an interview with Andrew Briggs – POMIS sport/pe instructor,  on state of sport in PNG, including prep for CRU and season proper (rugby) and,


Oro governor Garry Juffa and PNGFA vice president Linda Wonuhali on their views regarding women in sport

Women in sport have been great ambassadors for the country, although they do not necessarily have the same level of support that the Men have.


Recently both the SP Hunters in the Intrust Super cup in Queensland, Australia AND the National Soccer League, both of which are Men’s competitions received huge boosts in funding from various corporate companies, but our women have received nowhere near the same level of support.


Jeremy Mogi caught up with Linda Wohunali, Senior Vice President of the PNG Football Association and Oro Governor Garry Juffa, for their views on the situation.

Apart from Karate, Atomu Amani is pursuing a career in Architecture drafting at the Polytech in lae, while hoping for a spot in the final team.  


Andrew Briggs is an expatriate rugby coach and sport instructor teaching in Port Moresby. We caught up with him for a chat regarding how he’s found the talent here in the country and our prospects for the Pacific Games.

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