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By Jim John

Police in the South Fly Command in Western Province are in dire need of logistics support to carry out effective policing within the district.

In recent years, police officers in the provincial capital Daru have been struggling to conduct proper police patrols on sea, along the Fly River delta system and Daru Island due to no dinghies and vehicles.

Acting Provincial Police Commander for South Fly Command, Inspector Saiwa Ricker said Western Province as one of the maritime provinces in the country is still struggling to effectively carry out their policing duties due to lack of proper logistics.

“South Fly District sharing two International borders with Indonesia to the West and Australia to the South, the district is faced with transnational crimes such as arms for drug trade, illegal entry of poachers or illegal immigrants, sea piracy and kidnapping for ransom cases,” Inspector Ricker said.

Inspector Ricker said dinghies and police boats are needed immediately to patrol the coastal areas as drug trafficking and illegal border crossing has increased within the province.

He said most times it is quite difficult to reach out to the rural areas especially during law and order situations.

“Most times police rely on the complainants who provide logistical support to travel out to apprehend suspects. Other times cases that are reported are not attended to.” he said.

In November 2022, all leaders from the Fly River including the four districts within the province attended the 3rd Provincial Development Forum held in Daru and mentioned that Law and Justice sector in the province would be improved to address ongoing law and order issues.

However, nothing has been done to police where accommodation, men power and lack of logistics support are still the biggest challenge faced by the police.

Inspector Ricker is now appealing to the Fly River and the South Fly District Administration to step in and support the police with a new dinghy and engine and a police vehicle to carry out their duties effectively.

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