Bougainville Featured News

South Bougainville Presents 2018-2022 District Development Plan to National Planning.

The Member for South Bougainville and Deputy Opposition Leader Timothy Masiu today presented the final Five Year South Bougainville District Development to the Department of National Planning and Monitoring Acting Secretary Koney Samuel.

“This Development Plan for my Electorate is the first of its kind and has come about as a result of intense consultation with the ordinary people at the grassroots level, all other stakeholders and relevant government and Non-Government Agencies.  I can say it’s a homegrown plan.  This is two years’ work and it’s a pleasure for me to be present here today,” said Mr. Masiu

“As member representing the people of South Bougainville, it is indeed a concept of the bottom up planning being realized in which the ordinary people at the village/wards and community government and constituency levels through the South Bougainville Leaders Forum were involved throughout, their views are captured in this document.”

“There were people who approached me to do this plan for me, but my attitude is that we have government agencies and government officers who are paid to work and do this kind of plans.  So I am happy, officers from the Department of Implementation and Rural Development were engaged to support me and my staff in making sure we had a plan that is dictated by the wishes and aspirations of the man and women on the ground.”

“I take this time now to pay tribute to the people of Torokina District, Bana District, Siwai District, and Buin District, including the ABG Members, Local Chiefs, community leaders, ex-combatant leaders, youth, women, church leaders and the public servants based in Districts of South Bougainville for their support.”

All leaders contributed immensely and their contributions are captured in this plan. I now call on all constituencies in South Bougainville, the community governments and the wards to have your own 5 Years Development Plans that will be aligned to this plan.”

“Having said the above, I call on Aid Donors or Donor Agencies to come on board and support my electorate in funding some of the projects outlined in this plan.  This plan outlines the need for partnering and collaboration with Stakeholders.”


Source: Deputy Opposition Leader Media Release

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