
Soldiers Challenged to Walk Before God


By Mickey Kavera – EMTV News, Port Moresby

Papua New Guinea Defence Force (PNGDF) personnel had been challenged to align themselves and walk before God in their careers this year.

Last week Friday, hundreds of soldiers turned up to dedicate the PNGDF to God, at the St Martins Anglicare Church, Five mile, in Port Moresby.

PNGDF, Chaplain Lieutenant-Colonel, Misael Baude, made the statement based on the book of Genesis 17:1 – “I am God almighty, walk before me and be blameless.”

Chaplain Baude described it as the light of excellent, purity and righteousness.

“We need Gods governing rules to abide by. In order to achieve that, the first way is to put ourselves in right and having the perfect relationship with God. The second way is to ensure your decision making process is always to do what is right.

Papua New Guinea Defence Force Commander, Brigadier General Gilbert Toropo, in his closing remarks said that the word of God is very important to all Papua New Guineans. He says, when there were no proper access roads into Papua New Guineas homes in the past, missionaries brought the word of God in to our rural villages first .That is why it is important that we should put God first to lead us this year.

Brigadier Toropo said that the force can only achieve their vision and priorities when they put God first through unity, starting from all PNGDF branch heads down to directors.

He thanked all those who work hard last year especially the Australian, New Zealand Defence Staff and encouraged all the soldiers to put extra effort this year to move the force forward.

The dedication ceremony was wonderful as all the Port Moresby Base units gathered to seek God first to lead in their respective roles in the force.

The PNGDF Commander and his entire branch heads, directors and unit commanding officers dedicated themselves to God at the end the ceremony and pledged their honour to serve God, Queen and country. 

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