
Rural Road Link Vital For Local Economy


by Stanley Ove Jr – EM TV News, Port Moresby

A missing road link between Matepi and Gal in south Ambenob in Madang District will be properly constructed after years of Government neglect.

The road also plays an important role in the local economy, but the locals have not been able to sell many of their produce due to bad road conditions.

“Some of our villages here use to produce up to 3tonnes of cocoa seeds every month, but after years of neglect we have not been able to reach our full potential in our agriculture business,” said Paul Simeau a local leader.

On Tuesday the Madang MP and Transport and Infrastructure Minister, Nixon Duban, presented a cheque of K400,000 to rebuild and complete the road link.

Duban said the Government has invested heavily on rural road development in the last 4 years in order to bring services to rural areas that were neglected for many years.

“Madang town has its own issues, but the population is here in rural areas. That is why my administration is committed to build rural roads,” said Duban.

Local Paul Simeau said this service will now able the local population to transport their goods into Madang town to sell and also it will allow for more assistance to their health and education services.

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