The National Executive Council has approved the transfer of the Omuru sub-station in Madang from the Cocoa Coconut Institute to the Coffee Industry Corporation.
This will see the CIC develop a research, development and resource center that will encourage the up-scaling of Robusta coffee production in low lying areas.
Coffee bean exports from Papua New Guinea have averaged over 1 million bags each year with export earnings averaging K451 million each year over that period. The main export markets for PNG coffee are currently Germany (51%), United States (17%), Australia (14%) and Japan (6%).
Prime Minister Peter O&rsquO’Neill said coffee production is an extremely important sector for Papua New Guinea and the government is encouraging the ongoing expansion of coffee exports.
Currently Arabica coffee accounts for 95 per cent of beans produced in Papua New Guinea, while only 5 per cent is Robusta coffee.
While Arabica beans are mainly produced in highland areas, Robusta is predominantly produced in lowland areas.
Mr O&rsquO’Neill says there is great potential to expand our market for Robusta coffee bean exports and we need further research if we are to increase quality and yield per hectare.
The Prime Minister said not only was coffee an important export for the nation, but coffee production engages small to medium enterprises employing millions of Papua New Guineans, so coordination and support from the government is essential for expanding production.
The national government recently launched the Coffee Industry Strategic Plan for 2013-2018, as part of overall efforts to enhance the coffee industry.
The coffee industry faces the challenge of increasing current average crop yield that is below potential.
The work undertaken at Omuru will focus on breeding and field management with a focus on Robusta and ultimately help small to medium coffee producers to increase their output.
The revitalization of the sub-station will further generate employment opportunities for a number of research scientists, extension officers and farm trainers at Omuru.