
Promising Start for Provincial Funds Allocated

Provincial Government whose budgets have been approved, are confident in supporting the National Government double the growth of the country’s economy in the next 4 years.

The governors said this will be made possible by investing more in their LLGs and wards this year.


Governors for resource rich provinces Morobe, Western, Gulf and Enga yesterday reported to the Treasury Minister, Don Polye, that additional investments will be made into administration, infrastructure, health and education.


Most of the Provincial Governments reported satisfactory progress in their respective Districts, LLGs and Wards for year 2013.


All approved budgets were within a marked range of a 40% increase this year compared to last year.


Yesterday, Western Province was the first to present its K346.5 million budget.

Governor Ati Wabiro said all its agendas remained the same for infrastructure, health and education.


The only new progress is the establishment of new powers vested in the Deputy Provincial Administrator to oversee royalty payments and others derived from oil and gas projects in the province.


Morobe Province reported satisfactory progress on Lae’s road maintenance.

Governor Kelly Naru said from the K371.6 million budget this year, more funds will be pumped into administration, improving education, health, the Ring Road development project, Lae wharf, smaller townships developments and rural electrification and communications programs.


The Gulf Province with its K122 million budget this year will continue to invest in the Malalaua to Kerema and Kerema to Ihu highways.


The Governor said this is in preparation for the construction of the Gulf LNG Processing Plant. He also told the Minister that K6 million is for the fish plant in the Baimuru district. He said investors will be brought in this year to develop the plant and start breeding and marketing delicacies such as salmon, tiger prawns and barramundis among others.


Treasury Minister, Don Polye, was happy with the reports.


Mr. Polye urged the Governors and their Administrators to work at the same pace but more effectively this year in order to see long term results.


He said he is confident with the continued efforts to deliver key services in the LLGs and Wards; this will greatly assist in doubling the size of annual budgets in the next 4 years.


He also announced that in March, a detailed report on all the expenditures and carry overs for year 2013 will be published.


The report will also feature monies spent on projects under the 2013 District, Provincial and LLG Services Improvement Programs.

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