Highlands News

Prisoners Visited by SDA Church Members


By Michelle Amba – EMTV News, Mt. Hagen

Prisoners at the Mt Hagen jail had a surprise visit from Seventh Day Adventist (SDA) Church members of the UK Nathan Memorial Church.

Through the church’s cell visitation program, the SDA members fed 47 prisoners and shared words of wisdom, with a short devotion of prayer.

Prisoners said this was a relief and there was a sense of freshness brought in by this visit.

Jimmy Kiweh, a prisoner who has been in the cell for the last three months, thanked the visitors for bringing them food and also the good news.

“We are privileged to have you all here today, even though our mistakes have brought us to this place we hope to change when we leave this place,” said Kiweh.

Officer in charge of Mt Hagen jail say they have visits like this from other churches and this is the second by this same church.

The visit comes under the churches cell, prison and hospital visitation program. A small budget is set aside for this quarterly program but most is contributed by church members to fund the visits, said UK Nathan Memorial Church Pastor, Silas Poriri.

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