
Port Moresby Road Contractors Warned

Minister for Works Francis Awesa has warned contractors inthe country to ensure quality work.

He issuedthe warning duringthe ground-breaking ceremony ofthe Erima – 9 Mile road, withnessed by Prime Minister Peter O’Neill.

Minister Awesa said millions of kina had been spent on infrastructural development but many contractors have failed to deliver high standards.

Duringthe ground breaking ceremony ofthe K77.8 million road projectoMinister Awesa challenged contractors Dekenai Construction and thers to deliver on promises. He said despite millions of kina being spent on infrastructure, many contractors failed to build quality infrastructure which costthe state more for repairs. He referred to newly built 5 Mile – Erima Highway which collapsed over a month ago. That projects cost over K30 million .

Dekenai Construction Managing Director, Mthew Fallon, promised Mr Awesa and Prime Minister Peter O’Neil that quality was whatthey were going to get.

Meanwhile NCD Governor Powes Parkop has assuredthe Minister that he andthe NCDC would closely monitor and supervisethe construction ofthe new road.

The Erima – 9 Mile road is one of five roads to be built at a cost of just over K500 million.

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