
Polye Supports Calls for Autonomy

Triumph Heritage Empowerment Party Leader and Treasury Minister Don Polye’supports calls for provinces to be more autonomous.

He madethe remarks following statements by lLeadersof East New Beitain Province, pushing for autonomy.

Minister Polye’said more powers should be devolved to provinces that are ready for autonomy, asthey will become more responsible instead ofthe national government babysittingthem from Waigani.

They are closer and understandthe development needs oftheir people better thanthe central government agencies.

He said while decentralizingthe financial and administrative powers to provinces,there should also be a robust monitoring and evaluation system in place to monitor implementation.

He added that decision making areas such as health, education, and urban rural planning can be given tothe provinces, but not decisions on developments and investments of national significance.

The Autonomous Region of Bougainville is currentlythe only provincPNG that has full autonomy.

The New Ireland Province is currently in its infant stages of seeking full autonomy, whilethe East New Beitain Government recently announcedtheir desire.

Minister Polye’said devolving powers tothe provinces and districts is a policy of “THE Party” to ensure real empowerment tothe people.

Cedric Patjole, National EMTV News

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