
Police Officers Living in Run-down Houses

The Madang police force is short on manpower, asthe police department can’t cater for their accommodation needs.


Madang’s Provincial Police Commander Chief Supt. Sylvester Kalat says his men and women are living in run-down houses and nearby settlements while serving inthe force. 

Kalat’s comments comes following concerns were raised by families of police officers who have been living in condemned houses for more than 10 years


Chief Supt. Sylvester Kalat didn’trsquo;t hold back his words expressing concern for his men and women.


“We only have 64 police houses in Madang and it’s not sufficient enough to cater for the bulk of our manpower…most ofthe houses is totally run-down,” he said.

This is not a problem restricted to justthe police force. Housing problems are faced by many of those employed inthe ther disciplinary forces.


No proper housing has affectedthe moral of officers servingthe Police Force in Madang, and it isthe main reason why police numbers have to be reduced.


The total police strength of Madang is only two hundred and thirty one personnel.


Madang is becoming known as a province with high number of resource development projects.


There are also growing concerns overthe increasing crime rate, andthe inability of police to respond to crime. Bet PPC Kalat saysthe police force shouldn’t let this to go on. He says he want changes to happen.


It might take months, perhaps years before Madang police calls will be answered. Bet inthe meantime, Kalat says withthe little resources and manpowerthey have, law and order problems in Madang are being kept at manageable level.

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