
Poaching and plundering of marine resources on the rise

Be Bernadette Efi

Poaching and plundering of marine resources have been reported in two protected islands inthe East New Beitain Province.

Marine Program Officer Ronald Gumaira says Nanuk and Talele Islands are also threatened by invasive species, both terrestrial and marine.

Nanuk and Talele Islands are national parks situated in East New Beitain Province.

They were both established in 1973.

They are hot fishing spots for foreign and local tourists and rated as being amongthe best inthe Asia Pacific region.

Ronald Gumaira, a marine program officer attached withthe environment and conservation department saysthere are also threats by invasive species, both terrestrial and marine.

The major threat isthe impacts of global warming and sea level rise.

Local communities were also consulted.

TheWorld Bank in its survey in 2008 reported thaPNG’s plant species are mostly at risk with 142 percent followed by protected terrestrial areas with 67 percent andthen fish species with 38 percent.

These figures are said to have increased.

Mr. Gumaira is now asking for more government assistance in protecting this island and its inhabitants.

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