Featured Rugby Union Sport

PNG Rugby Tug of War

Deferred in light of recent events, especially surrounding the withdrawal of nominations and a non-declaration of interest for a potential Presidential candidate, the Papua New Guinea Rugby Football Union (PNGRFU) has felt it necessary to defer the AGM until such time necessary information has been received.

The requirements by the PNGRFU state that member unions will be required to submit documentation, with a particular focus on financial reports, with governance a priority.

PNGRFU General Manager, Frank Genia, however has cited political interference as a hindrance to the smooth processes of the election.

This however, has prompted Minister for Sports, Justin Tkatchenko, to push all parties involved for immediate action.

“They have to get their administration and management in order. They have to get their board in order. Under their constitution it clearly states that they must have a board meeting and an AGM ASAP to elect new board members this month. You got to start questioning what have they got to hide? What’s the situation that is so important that you have to defer to January? The rules and regulations are there. Follow it,” Tkatchenko said.

The PNGRFU in response, acknowledged Tkatchenko’s concern however, maintains their call on the AGM.

“I respect his views and comments, but I guess more importantly the board is resolute. We have our independent processes in place here. We would like to complete our due diligence on all presidential candidates. It’s a simple governance process that’s done across all organisations, so as far as the office is concerned, we aren’t doing anything wrong,” said Genia.

In the meantime the PNGRFU board has maintained its decision to defer the AGM, with interim president, Ben Frame, posing this an opportunity for all unions to comply with governance practices which fall directly in line with voting requirements.

“The decision to defer the AGM was unanimously made by the board not the office.”

“The majority of members are not compliant to the voting criteria – Affiliations not paid, AGMs not held, monthly reports not submitted, financials not submitted, player registration not submitted,” said Frame.

Frame further stated in a media statement, that if the PNGRFU were to proceed with the AGM on Wednesday, most of the members would not be eligible to vote, because they are not compliant.

“There is a reason a criteria is set, and because of all the Good Governance concerns, the board has decided to stick to it,” said Frame.

Frame also added, “the Board has adjourned the AGM to allow this deferral as an opportunity to ensure Unions are compliant and given the opportunity to voice opinions, concerns and votes at the AGM in January 2017.”

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