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PNG Professional Boxing: Confused Over Status of Participation

PNG Professional Boxing is set for the National Titles to be staged in Port Moresby this Sunday.


However, amateur Bexers are confused overthe status oftheir participation.


This could costthem a chance to participate inthe 2015 Pacific Games.

Over 20 amateurs are expected to take part inthe National Title fights atthe Port Moresby Country Club this weekend.


This is an opportunity for them to gain experience and to build up ontheir skills. HowevePNG Boxing Union has warned against sayingthey would losetheir amateurs status for the Pacific Games.


Whoever takes part in this illegal trounament will definately miss out on selection to represent Papua New in 2015.


However, President for Professional, Boxing Nick Calibud, thinks therwise. He said “I want to involvethe amateur boxers… to enhancetheir ability, to enhancetheir capacity, to enhancetheir confidence, I want to sePNG amateurs to be gold medal winners inthe Olympics as well…”


Meantime a total of 14 professional fighters will battle it out for the five national title belts including 6 under-cards.

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