President oPNG Human ResourceInstitute Jerry Wemin says human resource development is an integral win – win outcome for workers and employers.
Wemin was speaking at a workshop for all human resource practitioners and professionals atthe Crown Plaza Hotel in Port Moresby yesterday.
The conference was well attended by all Human Resource professionals including HR Scholars atthe University oPNG.
The annual conference is an avenue for all HR Professionals and Managers to discuss strategies on how best to improver Human Resource issues in any workplace.
The first day, also saw certain employers taking out awards for best practising Human Resource Organisations. One such includedthe Bank oPNG that took outthe Best Government Entity Award. BeNG Human Resource Manager Naomi Kedea says updated HR Policies is one ofthe main pointers to consider.
ther organisations included City Pharmacy Group for Best Private Sector CompanyPNG Ports for Best State Own Entity among thers.