
PNG Boxers In Brisbane

by Lorraine Genia – EM TV Sport, Port Moresby

The PNG Boxing team has been in Queensland, Australia for the past two weeks, training under Australian-based coach, Allen Nicolson.

The team had the opportunity to spar against some of Queensland’s best boxers, as part of their training and preparation for the 2015 Pacific Games.

Debbie Kaore, who fights in the 75kg weight division, was up against a heavier opponent in Lizzie Paterson, who is categorised in the 81kg division.

Debbie, who struggled to perform at the National Boxing Championships earlier in the year in Goroka, showed much improvement, with fitness and agility, making full use of the ring.

Coach, Allen Nicolson says, the team has worked hard over the last two weeks, but have a lot more work to do before their return to Port Moresby.

Fatigue and exhaustion played an integral role in the team’s lack of performance during their sparring at the Brisbane Boxing Club, however, Nicolson says, he expects the team to reach their peak in July, come the Pacific Games.

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