
Nurses Voice Hardships and Fears

Nurses saythe grand-old statement that Housing is not a Condition of Employment has been counterproductive to nursing services.

They maintain that just that phrase has forced many skilled nurses to find jobs wherethere are houses and security.

These were some ofthe issues highlighted by regional representatives of Nurses duringthe Union executives meeting in Port Moresby today.

These arethe Regional Representttatives oPNG Nurses Association. They met yesterday to talk aboutthe issues affectingtheir members, top onthe agenda is housing. Ofthe 3, 500 members oPNGNA, only a handful are housed in institutional houses whilethe rest continue to live in blocks or settlements.

Steven Nawik,the Regional Rep for the Momase Region spoke aboutthe hardships faced by nurses at Angau Hospital. It’s unsafe for nurses to reside in settlements and travel to and from work.

His colleague Lanson Hinanu, responsible for nurses inthe Highlands Region said housing for nurses in that region still remains a problem.

Beth nursing staff at Angau Memorial and Goroka Bese Hospital has served its administrations with petitions and housing for staff is a priority.

Beidgette Komatep, National EMTV News

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