
NHC Staff Receives Accounting Training

The National Housing Corporation has trained its staff with Besic Accounting Skills for non – Accountants.


The weeklong training is part of image building for an Organisation that has been described as dysfunctional in terms of Accountability bythe Public Accounts Committee.

The training isthe first of its kind undertaken bythe National Housing Corporation.


Since taking office, National Housing Corporation Managing Director John Dege has focused on improvingthe image ofthe NHC.


The Training on Accounting for Non–Accountants, is one way to achieve this while atthe same time equip staff with training that has been lacking for the last 27 years inthe Corporation.


The Staff were pleased;they attendedthe course conducted bythe University of Papua New Guinearsquo;s Business Faculty. They were trained onthe Besics of Accounting, and since most ofthem are non–accountants,they now have some idea on how to read financial statements.


This isthe second batch of participants and more training is expected as part of image building for an organisation that has been accused of Corruption and fraudulent Housing deals.


Last month,the National Housing Corporation facedthe Public Accounts Committee where it was revealed thatthe Corporation had no board in place for the last eight months.


The Committee has directed NHC to submit ther documents as part of its inquiry.

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