
News Bytes for 30th June, 2014

“KAS SUPPORTS PM” – Bethanie Harriman


Whilst speaking during an opening of a new Police building, Madang Governor Jim Kas says he supports policies introduced by Prime Minister Peter O’Neill’s government. The member of the opposition bench promotes a decision made by the government to provide more funding for district, provincial and local level governments.
Governor Kas says the policies have given more financial assistance to provinces around the country.




“TIGERS WIN” – Sylvester Gawi


Lae SNAX Tigers held their winning streak in the Digicel Cup competition by defeating Mendi Muruks 16-6 in Lae yesterday. Both teams displayed intense performances throughout the game in front of a packed audience at the Lae Rugby League Ground.

Mendi Muruks’ Adrian Anton scored the Muruk’s only try in the fifteenth minute while Glen Nami, Roy Kela and Bernard Lama scored for the Tigers.

This was the ninth straight win for the Lae franchised team as the competition enters the third week of round three.

The Tigers will take on the defending champions, Port Moresby Vipers, this weekend in Lae.



“MADANG FSV” – Bethanie Harriman


Statistics gathered by a Madang-based NGO shows domestic violence and sexual assault cases have increased in the Last 10 years. The number of family sexual violence is expected to grow with the coming economic boom, whilst Madang Police are working to curb the problem.
Madang Governor Jim Kas says the Provincial government is struggling to handle the range of social problems.


“MARAMUNI CONNECTS” – Bernadette Efi


Maramuni, one of the country’s remotest LLGs between the East Sepik and Enga provinces, has finally connected to the world through installation of a VSAT telecommunication system. A Memorandum of Understanding was signed between the Wabag District Administration and Telikom PNG on Friday to pave the way for initial works. Local MP Robert Ganim made a presentation of K100, 000; this will see the installation of 12 direct lines, faster broadband internet service and capabilities for the EPTPOS banking system in the LLG.
Mr. Ganim also signed a MOA with the National Development Bank, formalizing a 2 million kina deal for the establishment of the Wabag district credit scheme.



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