
New Traffic Police Station for NCD

After 31 years,the National Capital District Command now has a new Traffic Police Station.


This development was made possible bythe assistance fromthe police department with a funding of five-hundred thousand kina.

The new look has certainly up liftedthe working environment of police officers who have been cramping inthe old building for so long.


Guests atthe opening ofthe new office at Beroko included NCDC Deputy City Manager Honk Kiap, Commander NCD Central Jim Andrews and all station commanders from aroundthe city.


NCD Metropolitan SuperintendentoAndy Bewa played host tothe parade.


It was a proud moment for many traffic officers who no longer have to be sitting inthe old office.


The NCD traffic division has been operating fromthe old building for over three decades sincethe building was first erected.


Assisting Commissioner Jim Andrews said this wasthe beginning of many changes thatthe constabulary is going through.


However, ACP Andrews agreed thatthere is still room for more.


Fromthe civil society’s perspective,the deputy city manager challengedthe police department to address issues such as pay and accommodation.


He also called for police in NCD to work in partnership with commission to enforce law and order inthe city.

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