
New Device Trialed to Reduce Maternal Mortality

A new device is being trialed in Papua New Guineato reduce maternal and child death in rural areas.

It isthe Childbirth Emergency Phone Project.

Health workers are advised to call a toll free number to seek advice and assistance in managing obstetric complications.

Milne Bey province isthe start point. The childbirth emergency phone project is currently taking place inthe Alotau and Kiriwina-Goodenough districts.

Leader researcher Dr Amanda Watson said in a presentation phase one ofthe project that Milne Bey was chosen because of its high levels of maternal deaths andthe lack of transport from remote off-shore communities.

A landline phone is set up atthe Alotau Provincial Hospital and Losuia Health Centre.

Rural health clinics have been suppllied with solar charges to rechargetheir mobile phones.

Results from phase one ofthe childbirth emergency phone project has provern effective and AusAID will support phase two, which will begin tomorrow.

The project is funded by AusAID, throughthe Economic & Public Sector Program managed by CoffeyInternational Development.

The National Department of   Health through its health agencies and churches inthe province are assisting in seeingthe project through.

The Childbirth Emergency Phone project addressesthe need for communication in saving lives.

Salome VincentoNational EMTV News’s Zs?feature=oembed&wmode=opaque&showinfo=0&showsearch=0&rel=0

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