
New Course for University of Papua New Guinea

by Mickey Kavera – EM TV, Port Moresby

After more than five years of developing the program, it has finally been implemented this year.

The Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) signed today with the Ministry for Provincial Government testifies to a long-standing partnership between the two organisations.

Under this partnership the Ministry for Provincial Government will assist UPNG with K50,000 to implement the program, while the European Union will assist with K60,000.

Both the National Disaster Centre and the Environmental Science and Geography discipline within UPNG’s School of Natural and Physical Sciences have trialled the program with its third year and final year students.

After a review it was accepted as the Diploma in Comprehensive Hazards and Risk Management.

UPNG’s Vice Chancellor, Professor Albert Mellam commended both parties for developing a modern and comprehensive course.

The course allows students to be appropriately skilled to recognise the climate change issues.

Mellam says deans in respective schools will be put on notice to ensure students enrolled in this program get the most out of it.

Secretary for Provincial and Local Government Affairs, Munare Uyassi is pleased with the outcome and wants a more practical approach in training of students.

The National Disaster Office has struggled to deal with disaster management with a shortage in skilled staff.

Uyassi is confident the program will bridge this gap.

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