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NCD Arts Program Starts Today

The NCDC Creative and Performing Arts Pilot Program that was officially launched on Thursday by NCD Governor, Powes Parkop, kicked off its first program today at the IEA College of TAFE in Port Moresby.

This program creates a platform for young PNG artists to step out and display their talents.

The event will take place for three consecutive Saturdays at the IEA TAFE College grounds, with the final event held at the Jack Pidik Park in Port Moresby.

The program consists of young artists coming out to expose their talents through song and dance.

Gate fees to the events will be charged according to the different categories: adults K20, others K15, students with ID, K10 and children under 10 years of age at K5.
The money from the fees will be presented to the participants for partaking in the event.

At today’s first event, performing bands such as Logic Crew and Raiwat set the stage with some songs.

The program is open to all age groups, as it provides a platform from which both fresh and existing talented persons can display their artistic skills.

Invitations have also gone out to business houses to be a part of the program.

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