
NARI: Invest Funding into Innovation

It has always been a concern for organizations like NARI on how scientific research can be made accessible tothe bulk ofthe population inthe rural areas.

The head ofthe National Agricultural ResearchInstitute said,the government’should focus on investing in science and information, rther than giving handouts to individual farmers.


“New innovations…new developments&hellipthese arethe areas thatthe government’should be looking at rther than giving money to individuals and encouragingthem to invest intheir private business. This is not sustainable,”the NARI’s Director General, Dr. Ghodake said.


The agriculture and SME’sector got more than K300 million inthe 2014 budget.


The challenge is how this money can be translated so that ordinary farmers can feel and see new agricultural developments.


More than 80 percent of people still live a subsistence lifestyle using age-old agriculture methods.


Overthe years changes inthe economy, andthe arrival of new crop diseases has encouraged more work done inthe agriculture sector.


“We are talking about new innovations that will be available to a large number of people, and I think that is one strategic direction thatthey will have to take,” Dr. Ghodake said.


Whilethe government has listed agriculture and SME amongst its priority areas,the mover that it’should take is to develop avenues conducive for these small and medium enterprises to grow in.


Its organizations like NARI that are expected to contribute towards its development.

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