
Namah Claims Police Checking Mobile Phone Records

Police through the new Investigative Task Force established successfully obtained all mobile data from Opposition Leader Belden Namah’s phone from Bemobile last Thursday through a search warrant.

The search was alleged to have been conducted last Thursday through the new Investigative Taskforce established upon directions from Prime Minister to investigate how the warrants of arrest were obtained to arrest Prime Minister O’Neill and his two senior ministers.


Opposition leader Belden Namah has accused the police of intruding his privacy, and said this is the first time in the short history of PNG for such to take place, and should be a cause of concern for everyone.


He said there was no reason stated on the search warrant for the search and this amounts to depriving his privacy.


Namah also stated that the warrant in itself is faulty and has advised his lawyers to take legal action in respect to this search warrant.


Namah’s legal team say the investigation and collection of data from bemobile was therefore illegal.

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