A planned book once published will have stories about stone structures and implements that have traditional myths and customary values in Papua New Guinea
The publication ofthe book is a project initiated bythe Coordinating Committee of Geosciences Programs in East and South East Asia.
A team led by Mineral Resources Authority andthe Department of Mineral Policy and Geo-hazards Management was in Bougainville recently to collect raw data and speak to landowners.
Hukohah village inthe Tonu area of Siwai wasthe first stop over for the team.
This was made possible by an invitation from a local, Paul Mairaka. Paul saw it as an opportunity to promote his people’s myths aboutthe stones.
It was a fascinating experience asthey were shown tothe unique forms and shapes of different stones.
One had a footprint doublethe size of an adult footprint.
Paul saidthe project was a way of sustaining and passing onthe stories to future generations.
Once completedthe project will create general education and awareness and also attract tourists.
The team will also visit ther provinces like Madang and Jiwaka to collect similar stories.
The book is expected to be launched in December 2014.
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